Sunday, April 24, 2016

What To Expect At Summer Boot

This will be the 5th or 6th year of running these and we'll be turning back the clock a bit and integrating some of the ideas that were used in year 1.

The idea reaches back to my very first training opportunity.  I was shadowing/interning at a studio in Beechwood and the owner, who was "ranked," by a national magazine as a top 10 or 20 trainer in the nation, would notice my sessions.  To keep the story short, I think he saw me over-using some overly complicated movements, masking them under the "functional," blanket.  He asked "Why do you do that?"  I probably became nervous and answered with something out of a text book.  He went on and said that it didn't look "natural," and the session didn't have a "flow," to it.  He pulled me out of his rotation and I was back to shadowing.  He mentioned his "flow," more and knowing everything I know now, I saw it.  He transitioned between strength movements the way a yoga flow would, and it's something nearly all of you have done with me.   So I began to see his rhythm and used it.  
Then he saw me again and asked "why?"

He knew I was a football coach.  He knew I had a base and passion in athletics and movement.  He said "You're training the next client at (whatever time).  Train her like you would a strong safety (football position just in case you dont watch)."  I said ok and asked for some details.
"54 year old female, about 40 pounds to lose."

That one day really was the first step to everything.  Train like an athlete.  Obviously, I now see things a tad differently but the base is still there.  Not everyone can train like an athlete, but even those who cant, I actually train them like an athlete in rehab.  Injuries, aches and pains, limitations, anything that pops up, my first thought in my mind set is "Lets get back to moving without pain," and we proceed from there.

When I was young, I underestimated peoples power and strength.  I'd see someone, not know anything, and underestimate their effort, their ability and their heart. I thought only person "x" was able to work like an athlete, not the mom from the school.  The mom from the school was looking for the nice session, lets do some crunches and feel good.  Again, we now know I grew up and learned.

So to boots...
I was working at a chain gym in the Mayfield area, doing a real solid job, very proud of the work that went on there.  One client asked "how much would it cost to bring some friends in?"  The gym didnt allow it.   Client said "Lets go to the park, I'll bring some friends."
I thought hhhhmmmm... What can I do for 60 minutes?  At a park?  With almost zero equipment?

First thought - Speed & Agility
Prior to this first class, I ran probably over 50 of these sessions, but with high school kids.  No difference.  I pulled out an agility ladder, I pulled out some cones and we were off and the ladies LOVED it.  I trained that first season like it was my team, my defensive backs, all had to improve speed and movement.

So count on seeing a lot of that this year, something we haven't really touched much over the last 2-3 season.  We were focused on travelling with kettles and finding fun places and that was all fine, but this year is about results, it's about training, and above all it's about you finding that window, that little voice that reminds you "yes, this is what I need to be doing."

Keep reading...

A new trainer pulled me aside the other day and asked what helps me put together the sessions, any sessions, any program.
I said #1, their goals. The goals sets the program, but the goals isn't a step, its the goal.  To get to goal, we need A, B and C.  And in between A, B and C is Aa, Bb and Cc, on and on.  We have primary muscles and secondary muscles.  We have the big movers and all the little muscles that help the big movers and all need trained.  Some need trained hard and fast, some slow and easy.  We need flexibility, cardio, core endurance and strength, mental toughness, we need to be able to breathe right on and on.  We all want to move with pain, we want to be to accomplish things (whatever it may be) and we want to look good naked.  Flat out.  We want to look in the mirror and like what we see.  That doesn't always mean 6 pack or big shoulders or whatever.  Sometimes looking in the mirror, naked, is just a time to say... fuck ya, I kicked ass today (and maybe flex!)

We all know, I'm not into sales and if you've read the blogs at all, you know how I feel about what goes on, its not me - it's the energy of the group as a whole.
If you want in, definitely get in now because I'm still offering those 2 free sessions and the program.  The 2 free sessions alone are already at a discount.
Do you know how to squat?  Do you actually know the form on a lat pull?  Everyone pulls, but few feel the lats... think about it.
Do you know what weights you should be using? How much rest between sets?  How many sets?  How many times per week?  That's what the 2 bonus sessions are all about.
2, 1 on 1's  (usually $55 per)
12 boots    (drop ins are $10 per)
and a program  ($60 value)
all that for $110?


(As you read this, you may have been on the fence, maybe you're in, maybe you're unsure, maybe you're procrastinating.... Whatever you may have filled in, ask yourself why.  Whether I ever see you or not, as yourself why.  We all have moments of resistance, I certainly do.  When it pops up, I notice it and I ask "why?"  What makes us not do something?  I don't want to go on and on w this, like I said, I'm really not trying to oversell this. I want people in here who want it.  But if you're on the fence, dive in.  I've literally only had 2 people (out of hundreds) EVER walk away w regret and that was only because of ego.  No one says "this workout sucks," or anything like it.  Trust this is money well spent.  Dive in)

Generic Todd Field boot idea:
5-10 warm up

Phase 1
Walking steps and general body weight movements

Phase 2
Core and slightly more intensity on steps

Phase 3
Speed work

Phase 4
Core and dynamic movement


Wednesday, April 20, 2016


You freaking hippy pot heads!  Admit you clicked on this because of the title... go on...


Is it football season yet??
Actually it sort of is, the seasons never really end.  We go from actual game play, month away, to weight room sessions and meetings, to camps, to summer ball, to actual game play.  Definitely not a complaint.  Its only 4/20! and I'm wishing it was August.

But I had some thoughts/feelings that I thought I'd share. Football has taken an ass kicking recently, maybe a tad undeserving.
I'm referring to the concussion situation/scandal?/reports.  Obviously, my intent here is not to copy and paste the laundry list of issues concussions create.  Ok, maybe just a couple... hang on... googling...
  • Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
  • Temporary loss of consciousness
  • Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
  • Amnesia surrounding the traumatic event
  • Dizziness or "seeing stars"
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Delayed response to questions
  • Appearing dazed
  • Fatigue
Some symptoms of concussions may be immediate or delayed in onset by hours or days after injury, such as:
  • Concentration and memory complaints
  • Irritability and other personality changes
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Psychological adjustment problems and depression
  • Disorders of taste and smell
So that pretty much sounds like an issue.  And when an NFL Hall of Famer puts a gun to his own chest, pulls the trigger and writes something to effect of "please study my brain..."

Anyone who played when I played and before, pretty solid chance you have had multiple concussions.  Maybe weekly.  We used our helmets and heads as weapons.  I'm talking about high school now, so imagine a guy who plays pee wee, high school, college and pro.  Thats a lot of contact and trauma and over the years...

My stance on it:
A) I've encouraged football players to wrestle, play rugby and learn a martial art for years.  Not to toot my own horn, but I've been talking about rugby for literally 10+ years.  I said "How do we get guys to stop using their heads?  Take away the weapon."  Weapon being the helmet.   Get guys playing rugby, they learn to use their bodies.  This is also why I encouraged wrestling and martial arts.  Learn to use, control and master your own body.
B)  And finally an NFL coach says "Teach Rugby Tackling!" and creates a great youtube video to teach football coaches how to teach it on the field.  Thank you Pete Carroll.

I see guys make head to head contact and cringe.  If I had sons, I don't know what I'd do.
Or do I?
Because I do coach... wouldn't it be hypocritical if I coached a sport I wouldn't want loved one to play?  What would that say about how I feel about the guys I coach?

C) The juice is worth the squeeze.  A lot of people may disagree with that, but its true.
Thinking waaaaaaaaay back to the mid 90's, lessons were learned out there that weren't being taught anywhere else. Trust me, I tried to find that class again, its not available.  It only exists on the practice fields, in the locker rooms, weight rooms, and on Friday nights.
Coaches have the opportunity to teach life lessons in a way no teacher can.  It's just not the same subject.

Can other sports do it?  I dont know.  Wrestling, yes.  Baseball?  I dont think so.  I think there's something in me vs you, speed, strength, power, my body vs your body, my heart vs your heart, that's where the lessons are.  Who are you after getting your ass physically kicked?  Someone hits a grounder past you... eh.  Is it the same?  Not trying to dog baseball but I just don't see it the same.  Rugby, martial arts, absolutely.
(Knowing Todd reads this... Soccer?  Ehhhhh, its higher than baseball ha.  Inside joke.  At my old job we used to talk alot of shit and I'd rank sports and say things like "Baseball isnt a sport, its skill and hobby.")
Point is, at this age, the risk is worth the reward.
Example:  You might be coaching at a school.  One day a quiet, big guy comes in.  Shy, maybe a loner.  Super nice guy.  He wants to play, he wants on the team.  Another reason why football is best, there's a position for everyone.  Fast, slow, small, big, clumsy, skilled, there's something here for you.  But he main reason, this kid who may not have had a very memorable high school experience, just found x number of coaches who are there for him in nearly any way and x number of brothers on the team.  Nearly automatically.  Show up, bust your ass with your brothers and you will form a bond that you will remember and carry inside forever.

Last week, my brother and I were texting about football and such and reaching kids and how things have changed in 20-25 years.  I wrote a last line, then deleted it, didn't want to get all f'n nutty heading into work,  But it was about what I just wrote about the brotherhood and then the 6-15 fathers (coaching staff) who adopt you.

So why "the juice is worth the squeeze..." if I can create just 25% of the mindset and work ethic and passion and love, those coaches helped create in me, 21-23 years ago, these kids are going to have something to take with them.


Texting with a friend right now.  He's basically packing up all his shit and heading down to Fla with his wife.
He writes, "Funny thing is, neither of us have a job yet, but we're going anyway."
I replied "Man, that's freaking so kick ass.  Easy for me to say, but that's pretty exciting to just go down and wing it and know it'll work out."
Doesn't it always?  Cant you count on one hand the number of times it DIDN'T work out?  It always works out.  We get ourselves into shit and go "uh oh... this might be it," and it never is.  It might be "it," for a phase or a piece or some ego stuff, but we survive, we grow, we learn, we move, it works out, and we're better for it.


Everything's a big deal.
Too many people act like shits all cool and casual and it blows.  Its ok to make something a big deal.  It's ok to not be a bland old whatever and just blah your way through everything.  Babies are big deals, weddings are big deals, promotions are big deals, turning 18 is a big deal, first ______ is a big deal, everything is a big deal.
Stop under-celebrating.


Back to football, here's one of those lessons I refereed to above.
We were in the weight room and the guys are moving through their workload for the morning, 6am.
And this one group is on the 3rd of 4th section, performing x movement 6 times.  I see this kid do it... looked pretty easy.  I ask him "Was that hard?"  He says eh, ish.  I say "Hop back in there... as many as possible," and he gets the oh shit look.  He hops back and hits it (writing it to add the freakin) he hits it twenty-freaking-three times.
Now in my head is math, and not "well shit, he did 6 the first time and twenty freakin three the second.." No, math as in "Is he afraid of pain?  I dont think so.  Is he lazy?  No way.  Is he still sleeping?"
Still sleeping?  Sort of.
He doesn't know yet, how to crush himself in there.  He hasn't learned yet what weight room pain can do for you.  This was at 6:25.  By 7:00am he learned.  He became my private 1 on 1 and I took him through the zone, through the fire, thats how you learn.  It was punishment.  In no way did I do it to dog him out, act like  big man, and show grrr this how you train like a beast.  No.  I did it because he needed to learn intensity.
As young people, we all do.  That's the stuff I was talking about up top.  Your edge.  If you dont find your edge, challenge your edge, you never change.  If you do the same stuff everyday, what result will you get?  None, you'll never change.  You may even go backwards.

Think if you never read a book, listened to a podcast or heard lecture, how would you learn new information?
If you never ran hard, how would you improve your ability to run hard?
If you never push yourself, how do you know how to push yourself?
Day in, day out, you have to challenge and grow.  You have to.
When I lived in lake county, I loved hitting this hill/mudslide behind squires.  I would run it so hard, I had unlimited moments of "oh my god... i might actually die this time," and lungs just huuuuuuurt so bad, legs so numb and I'd just walk and recover... then i'd slow trot and recover... then back in my jog and gone again to the bottom.  I'd count for 60 seconds and do it again.  I'd finish and my brain would just be flushed with clarity.  Flushed with clarity.
Because I pushed to my edge, I created a new edge.  And then again and again, new edge.
Thats how we change and improve.  Push harder.  Do more.


How about this t shirt?

Fine.  One weed opinion.
If you don't know weed is a miracle drug w/ unlimited potential:
A) you work for a pharmaceutical company.
B) you never bothered to actually read.  Which means you're still regurgitating the same shit someone taught you 30 years ago.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Just write...

Just write.  When you're not feeling it, just write. 

Had a friend text, said they were/are interested in the boot but didn't want to be a "beginner," again or now, or in general.  
And on Saturday, someone at yoga said "I'll be a beginner again."

That ... I don't know what to call it... That ego part of me that makes me want to call it "the dickhead Buddhist shit," who always has that dumbass line of response they read in some uppity self help book along the way.   It would go "you're not new at this, are you?" And  The Dickhead Buddhist Shit says "oh, we're all new at this, every day we're new again... Ohm," and then id want to punch myself in the face. 

But it's true.  
I'll be at a concert next Sunday night, and it'll be a totally new thing for me. 
I'll go to work tomorrow and as much routine is there, there's 5x more unpredictability and it'll be new.
And we'll have a conversation that makes us see something differently... And it changes you and now you're a new version of yourself, so everything's new. 
Or you get some news, that he or she isn't here anymore and you're whole fucking world just changed and rocked you... And now you're another new version, your chemistry is now different, and everything's new. 
You're a beginner again.  
You think you know, you think your ground is stable, but it isn't at all. 
It's all fragile, it all breaks, nothing and no one is built to last forever.  
And when that's accepted, the absolute root of Buddhism, pain is inevitable, is accepted, everything is new.  Everyone is a beginner and none of us are pros. 
So fall down.  Breathe hard.  Fail.  Hurt. And laugh because it'll happen again and again.  I remember I went stand up boarding (whatever you call it) and I loved sucking at it.  I tried to get it and focused and all that and I laughed every time I fell. 

  You have to smile at the pain and failures.   You have to see it all w fresh eyes and enjoy it all like its new, unique and "once in a lifetime," because it very well could be.  

Ironically, i do not recommend Buddhism.  It'll ruin how you enjoy things. 

This Is Blue Chip