Sunday, August 22, 2021

A Little of This...

 From 2009-mid 2017, I wrote over 230 entries, 77,000 readers.  

From mid-2017 to about an hour ago, I've written 12.   

Went from over 28 per year to 3 per year.  

But 77 were written, saved as drafts, just never hit the PUBLISH button.  

The "energy," just went away.  Like a switch, the lights went out.   

I'm not trying to start it off as another boo-hoo post, this is about the appreciation of energy.  Not the energy that revs you up for a run or a game or a moment.  Just energy.  

Maybe I can spit something out.. 

I believe we do actually have "switches," of sorts.  We can things on and off inside.  Might be easier for some than others, but they're there.  Have you ever known anyone to just wake up one day and start an exercise program?   I have.  Just 0-100, just like that.  they just flipped a switch.  People often find themselves in situations where its time to plant the foot a redirect the energy.  Maybe its left, maybe right, maybe its just to tighten up into the ground and prepare for a storm.  They just flipped the switch and turned it on.  

Have you ever had a conversation with someone you barely knew, or maybe just someone you didn't know very well (its not the same thing)?   One day, you have a conversation and the talk goes a layer deeper than usual.  Maybe two or three.   Next thing you know, 90 minutes, 2 hours, just floated away and you sat there talking about nothing and everything, and it was excellent.   An energetic exchange. 

Have you ever had an encounter checking out groceries?   Maybe a weird or awkward thing happened and the young person fumbled through everything but still laughed and made fun, like breaking character of playing "grocery store employee,' and you both laugh.  Then you walk out lighter.  An appreciation for the moment and "break," lingered and made you pause.... that was cool.  That's some energy.  

You walk down that street out of blossom, headed for the car.  Crowds of people all around, everyone just buzzing off that encore performance, everyone can feel it.  It's not just a "that band rocked," thing or nostalgia thing.  It's a thing that happens when 30,000 people stand together and sing and dance and focus energy on a source.  

What goes on in Church?   I believe that's what group prayer is about.  

A good yoga room energy... that's something good.   I do miss that juice.  

When you can combine some of that yoga energy into football drill energy, that's some reeaal good energy.  

Breakthroughs happen everywhere.  The mat, the field, the office, the bar, the gym, the woods, the options are unlimited.  But we have to be aware and be willing to receive.  Awareness and receiving are hand in hand.  

We agree on smell, taste, touch, sight, sound.  Maybe we agree because that's currently all we know and all we can prove.  Would it be odd to wonder if there are more?   

How do box up the energy exchange?   How do we label it so we can address it, teach it and explain it so more can be aware?   

Baby steps. 

People pray together.  Sing together.  Move together.  Communicate with each other.   Dance together.  They hold hands.  They cheer together and eat together.  We know that energy.  What it does to our soul, how we feel and how to moves us forward... you can imagine some right now and even get a jolt in your seat.  Careful now!  

Maybe they bitch a little together, we know how that goes.  All too well.  I dont even want to write any bad energy.. but know how that swells around us to.   I have to stop there.  

Which energy do you want?   Go do those things that provide that energy.

Which energy do you not want?   Good, stop doing those thing that provide that energy.  

You may have to redirect your life.  There will be sacrifice, somehow, someway.  There always is.  Sacrifice is absolutely unavoidable so just accept it now as part of the ride and roll with it as it comes.  Because what you'll probably find your sacrificing is actually rooted somewhere inside, that clings to the negative, that darkness, that energetic black hole.  The part of your life that holds onto the moments that leave you feeling like shit, need to be "sacrificed."   

Might be a habit.  Might be a relationship.  Might be your music.  Might be your phone.  Might be your current level of health.  Might be your drink.   Might be the books you are reading.   

You have a song you listen to and when its over, you're like "fuck yeah!"   Play it again.  One more time.  Then the next decision, make it with that song as your energy.  

Then do it again.  

One more time.  

How'd that go?   


It's a little weird being a little weird.     

This Is Blue Chip