Monday, April 5, 2021

Show Me The Money!

On the Blue Chip Mindset page, I wrote: 

All these incentives to get a brand new, fairly unproven vax. Seems odd people need to be paid to jump in line. Shows me a few things about facts, character and thought processes.
Most importantly it made me wonder if anyone has ever tried to “incentivize,” and continually educate healthy habits.
I understand. People are scared.
Be afraid of the real possibilities that are slowly building up behind the scenes. Diabetes, cancer, chronic joint pain, etc. I see people shitting their pants to get this shot yet pop a pill to focus, pop another pill to get aroused, pop another pill to settle down for sleep, pop another pill for blood pressure, pop another pill for pain, pop another pill for anxiety, it never fucking ends. But we’re a nation of control and consumerism.... we’re seeing those two trains at full throttle coming right down the tracks
I used to think we were all very similar. Maybe this has shown additional truth that I/we continue to learn every day.

Where I wrote, "Be afraid of the real possibilities building up behind the scenes," that stuck with me for a few hours, days actually.  I admit, sometimes I'll write something then reflect later and wonder if I expressed it properly.   Was it too harsh?   Too vague?  Did I misinterpret something and lost someone?   It's a touchy situation right now, easy to piss people off and then lose opportunity for further education and understanding... that's not good.  

But I cant help but see the irony and the infinite cycle of the thoughts and actions that are revolving around us.   

I've always felt heath and wellness was a financial issue.  I've written and talked about that for 15 years.  Someone may counter with "education," but they go hand in hand.   Finances, unfortunately are the primary source to open the field of education.  Again, the volley would be that education is free now, all over the internet.   But the information has been so compromised, so fragile, I don't think most people know fact from fiction, science from style, and if you dont have a moderate-strong understanding of our own bodies, you'll lose enthusiasm for the material and give up and give in.   Which is why obesity continues to climb.   

Many people over think what to do in gyms.   Many people over think what an exercise program is.   This is probably one of the places I "failed," as a personal trainer.   I did not let people lean on me for the long haul.  I told everyone, "the goal is to not need me for very long."  When you're trying to educate people to the point of "not needing me," that's not a very strong business model.  An honest one, yes, but nothing you can retire from.  

That's the difference between me and the things I see in so many other people.   I saw it in my mother and her addiction to the doctors words over mine.   After-all, shouldn't we trust another human that has spent $150,000+ on an education, has a new title in front of their name and hangs degrees and certs everywhere?   Sounds like these people are on the up and up, right?   We should trust them!   Right?  But how many doctors say "the goal is to not need me for very long"?

How many stories do you know where someone needs a prescription to cure an issue then the prescription creates another issue?   So now there's two new meds circulating.  "Med 1 effects Med 2... maybe if we adjust Med 1...." and off they go.   Sales & Marketing. 

That will offend many people.   

Has science and medicine cured and saved many?   We know the answer is yes.   But we also know there is a darkside that's been corrupted.    Ever spend time in the Seidman Cancer Center?   Ever spend hours there wondering how much money they make?   How about the mark up on something simple like... oh, idk.. insulin?   

Medicine makes money.   To continue the billion dollar industry, they need sick people.   How do they create sickness?   

Keep people dumb.  Keep them confused.  Scare them.   Keep people leaning on doctors and the system.   

If people knew and believed they could stay healthy with fruits, vegetables, proper serving sizes, variety of movements and cardio... would their system make as much money?   

How does this thought align with what we see in todays world?

Then weave all the other stories into this.... follow the money and you'll find the truth.  You wont like it.   You wont want to believe it.   But if you follow the money and have a beginners understanding of the depth of corruption possible, you'll start thinking about things a little more deeply. 

Somewhat off-topic, but does effect what I wrote above, that someone may attempt to debate.  Cholesterol.  (generic but accurate)

One of the functions of cholesterol is to help build healthy cells and produce testosterone

Balanced, appropriate levels of testosterone help stabilize/regulate sex drive, fat-muscle ratio, muscle mass and strength.  

Lean muscle helps run the metabolism "hot," burning off unnecessary fat cells, therefore reducing the risk of  diabetes, heart disease, inflammations, joint pain, etc.  

Do you know what other disease loves chewing up and strengthening itself off of inflammation?  


So why do we have over 35,000,000 taking cholesterol meds vs educating, promoting and incentivizing a healthy lifestyle?   

The government, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, etc., do not make (enough) money at the salad bar.   Your garden in the backyard isnt regulated or taxed.  


Overall point:   Remove their power by owning every decision in your life.  Your health and happiness is on you.  


Anyone else concerned about a person that:  Is the money behind the vaccines (may even hold a patent on them); was a financial contributor to the lab in Wuhan; on record warning of over population; and now owns 242,000 acres of United States farmland?   

Follow the money.  


More facts. 

This Is Blue Chip