Sunday, July 12, 2015

We'll just call him Doc (Ep 1) - Rocking Horse of Time

To keep the timelines somewhat... sturdy(?), we'll just call them all "Doc."  Him, her, 2015 or 2010, they were all just Doc.

*If that wasnt your cue to x out if you're looking for something "normal," or fitness based, well then this is.

This one has been paddling around the ole noggin for a few weeks but wasnt sure how to relay it.  Hence, Doc.
And the intro came to me today while walking listening to some music, when Release came on; ah-ha.
(Before reading on, understand the author is someone who fairly aggressively searches for answers and a means to fix his wiring. Internally, externally, emotionally, spiritually and any which ---lly his bored little brain can think of.  Do not think you know the author.  Read it clear, draw your own fresh pictures and erase what you think you know).

As accurate as possible, real or perceived

I met Doc a few years back to work through some trauma and search for questions/answers.    We spoke a few times, fairly general.  Throughout, I expressed my urge to move away from the area.  He asked where and how long, I had a vague destination but the length was forever.  Which is where the most basic of advice rolled in "Wherever you go, you may still have the same scenario."  And so we began to work.
He placed an old set of headphones on me, over-sized, foam around the edges to muffle most exterior noise, and gray w a spiral cord.  Attached was what seemed to be a radio tuner with a dozen or so knobs and switches.
The sound was a light static.  I could still hear him but he sounded distant and muffled.  He asked me to close my eyes, relax and listen carefully.  Obviously, my first thought was "ya right, I just met this freak and here I am w my eyes closed and cant hear anything around me..." but I did it anyway, I had nothing to lose.
"Just breathe."
And I did.
"Breathe in fully, inhale completely, control the exhale."
And I did... and soon, the static sounded like waves.  It began to sound like a subtle crash on shore, in and out, in and out.
"Where we are, we're going to walk..."
And I remember walking into the water... all the while hearing the waves and now a heart beat.
And I continued to walk deeper and deeper, under the water and I could hear Doc say "We're looking for a tunnel... inside the tunnel is a cabinet, go there."
I walked along the floor and eventually found myself drifting down into a dark tunnel.
The memory of walking into water was gone, I was floating, but without water, slowly working my way straight to the bottom.  I remember looking up and seeing light, then remembering "the cabinet, go there."
I remember spinning a bit, focusing on the heart beat and then it was there... a brown, rusted cabinet, three drawers high.
"I see it, I found it."
"Inside are files... files we need to open, to reopen... we'll stay here and wait until you feel ready."
I knew nothing of what we were looking for, of what he thought I needed to read inside the files.
But as I touched the cabinet, I heard music...
(just give the first 30 secs a go to feel it, its instrumental)
When the music began, and I recognized it, I cried.  I opened the drawer and there were countless manila folders, each with only a couple pieces of paper, or some with photos.

This was my introduction to another world, another level.  I now had a taste of a deeper level of consciousness, and began searching for paths back.
What else could be there?
What answers?  Or what new questions?
Are the roots to all of our habits, our insecurities, our dreams, buried out there?

This Is Blue Chip