(an actual fitness entry - read along, it'll all tie together)
I have a client who received a complimentary fitness assessment at her apartment complex with a new personal training company. You might be surprised but I encourage all clients to check other things (gyms, classes, trainers) out, you'll see why below. When you receive these assessments, really strong chance its a combination of an actual assessment and a sales pitch.
Which is exactly what happened and that's fine. That's the business.
Problem is, its hard to decipher the bullshit these salesman "pitch," vs actual advice thats sound for your body and overall health.
Example: You might be a runner or lifter or anything, doesn't matter. And when you have the assessment, they might say "ouch, thats not the best for you," or maybe you enjoy blowing off steam in the gym, walking for an hour so and a sales trainer would say "whoah, way too long!"
Their goal is to build trust. They say these things and because you don't study the science, its not your job, you trust what the "pro," is saying.
So the fact that they say what you should or should not doing, very gray area. As long as its safe, nothing is off the table.
Are some things more effective than others? Probably, but it still comes own to body type, genetics, limb length, and actual pleasure. Some people HATE weights, some HATE running or yoga or whatever, fine, dont do it. Do what you enjoy, but understand some science behind it.
I have a client who recently re-signed to train with me after a couple years of pure barre. When she stopped training with me to take up barre, I didnt say a thing other than "good luck," and "let me know if you need anything."
She had to have the experience and learn and grow. There was something in her, pulling to that style, so have at it. If I stopped her or persuaded her, sent doubt down her path, I'd be a poor human. Now she's back, w more experience, more body awareness and knowing that it didn't work 100% for her for the length she was involved. It was a sound decision and served a purpose.
We learn.
I've had numerous clients head off to try different things from yoga to crossfit or even a break. My response is always the same. "Good luck, let me know if you need anything." I may have seen a certain potential in them, but that might have been my goal, not theirs. Remember, YOU are the client.
I give tours and free assessments... know how many people I call to follow up or attempt to sell?
If you want it, you'll say something. As long as you're safe, I'll never trick you into a false confidence that what I say is any better than anyone else (but dont be confused, I'm very confident in the things that come out of my mouth. If I wasn't, I wouldn't say it).
People ask about nutrition and advice of eating this, avoiding that, protein shake here, high fat there, on and on. Very confusing again for those who dont study it. And believe me, if this wasn't my profession, I may not read it either. But you can google paleo, keto, high fat, high protein, low carb, moderation or find percentages to eat this at that hour or whatever.
Then the sales trainer says "you should be eating this."
Same as above.
Truth is, he's guessing. Maybe a sound guess, but still a guess.
This is not a comparison or a me-me-me post, BUT when I meet with someone, first thing we do is talk about a food log. What do you eat, when you eat it, how much of it. Then we tweak and I always say "Lets do this for 3-4 weeks and see how you feel, how things progress." Every single time.
Again, why? That sales trainer just said "Paleo is how we're supposed to eat."
Supposed to eat, meaning 100's of years ago. Through evolution and adaption, our systems have changed. My weight is different than your weight, I metabolize carbs different than you do, I burn fat different than you do, I build muscle different than you do, right? We can go on and on. So why would it be a fact that there is a one nutrition plan or guideline to think "this is it!" Some people need more carbs than others. Some people need more protein. And thats not even mentioning actual goals or a natural body weight/composition.
Here's the point and ironically, the overall concept of Blue Chip... you have to try it all or you'll never know. My daughter will say "eh, I dont like _____ (food)," and she's never tried it. Same as yoga or pushing weights. Have you tried it? have you tried it with me? Do you understand it?
Its about balance, moderation, experiencing, trial and error.
Many different ways to get fit and it involves many systems working together.
And it really isnt all about the mirror or jeans. Its about your heart, your lungs, your tendons, joint strength, stress relief, confidence, vision, balance, release. Its about walking out better than the way you were when you waled in.
Everyone knows, I coach and work w a good deal of young guys. I have them write goals and we review and talk and I work this exerciser all over. The point of the goals isnt actually achieving x goal(s). It's about becoming the person you'll need to become to achieve the goal.
Think that through and read this out loud.
Its not about achieving the goal. Its about becoming the person you need to become to actually achieve the goal.
So when you come in the weight room or yoga room for our session, you're not going to leave the same. You will walk out a stronger more #powerful human than you were just 30-60 minutes ago. It's not bullshit, it's not sales.