Started coaching around 2002, 2003 or so, I really dont remember the year exactly, but my HS coach called me one day and asked if I was interested in "getting involved."
General rule: if Coach Nack calls, you say yes and show up.
I graduated from Wickliffe HS and played with a great, great group of guys for 2 years under a tremendous coaching staff. A lot of people talk about their "guy," or their team or staff, but to this day, I've never met a group like them. I then coached at Richmond Heights, Wickliffe, Ledgemont, NDCL and now Eastlake North. And in every stop along the way, those young guys taught me more and gave me more than I could ever give them and I carry them all with me into every single season. This one more than ever.
The older we get, we're able to bring up our own history and lessons learned to reintroduce them in a new manner to help get a point across or open communication along the path. Things happen and I'll think "ah this reminds me _____," and think back to when I started 2 sophomores and a freshman at linebacker, and loved watching them attack with no fear. They had nothing to lose. I have a habit of plugging in young guys often to help get them Friday night ready for the future. I'm not afraid to let guys grow a little under the lights. Each group of guys had their story, had their personality, sweat all over the practice fields. Some guys/teams needed a spark of intensity, others needed cooled down, some needed to appreciate the game within the game. All different, yet very similar.
Every year, every season, delivered a new character, a new personality manifesting itself as a team. Less than 24 hours away, I wonder who we'll grow to become. I wont know that answer for another 10-13 weeks or so but I do know it will be good, honest, and I'm confident we will grow into something we'll remember. We always do.